

A handbook to make a practical contribution to the accountability of impact in venture capital portfolios.

As part of a group of leading European impact-driven practitioners along with the EIF, FoodLabs wants to share our experiences of measuring impact in a pragmatic way, and linking impact to carried interest. Members of the coalition ranged from early- to late-stage and growth investors, and included the EIF, as a leading proponent of impact investment.

The handbook is targeted at any VC firm that is intentional about impact. This includes both Article 9 and mainstream funds. What we all share is a determination to have impact, and to support others.

Impact accountability in venture capital report preview

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Impact is a simple word that seems to generate a lot of confusion in the investment world.


Not a set of rules, but a flexible framework.


ESG is an established concept these days, and often Impact is grouped within this umbrella
term or even used as if interchangeable. In fact, these are separate concepts.


A “Theory of Change” is simply the tangible difference a company is trying to make.


This is not a guide, but a collection of shared approaches by early adopters.

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